The tasty Goan Mutton Curry
The delicious Gaon Mutton Curry is another unique mutton recipe that has a unique taste and flavor. This distinctive recipe is sure to tickle your taste buds.
The Ingredients required for preparing this recipe:
Vinegar of 2 teaspoons quantity
Warm water in 2cups
Some amount of salt to taste.
Clover powder in 1/2 a table spoon quantity
Coriander powder of 1 teaspoon quantity
Desiccated quantity in 2 tablespoon quantity
Oil in 3 tablespoon quantity
Ginger in One and half inch in size.
2 nos. of Onions (in big size)
Mutton of 750 Gms quantity.
Yogurt in ¼ cup quantity
Cinnamon powder of 1 tsp quantity
Red chili of 1 teaspoon quantity
Turmeric powder of 1 teaspoon quantity
6 nos. of Garlic cloves
Preparation Method
The mutton should cleansed and washed thoroughly
The surplus amount of water should be removed and sliced into cubes of 1 inch in size.
The turmeric powder and Yoghurt should be creamed together.
The mutton cubes should be mixed and preserved for duration of 3 to 4 hours.
One Onion should be cut.
The other onion should be sliced.
The ginger, garlic must be cleaned and crushed
Over a medium heat, half quantity of oil must be heated in a pot with heavy bottom; the cut onion should be fried until it gets brown.
In the pot include the remaining oil, blend, sauté the cut onion until it gets soft.
The crushed garlic and ginger should be mixed together.
For duration of one minute stir fry it.
Blend the cinnamon powder, coriander powder, pepper powder, clove powder, and the red chili powder.
For a period of one minute stir fry it.
Include 2 tablespoon of water and mix, sauté till it gets evaporated.
The desiccated coconut should then be mixed, and over a low heat fry for 2 minutes
The meat should then be mixed and the heat should then be increased.
For 5 minutes, the meat should be stirred and fried or till the color gets changed.
The water should then be mixed and brought to boiling in condition.
Cover up and boil (at a low temperature, slowly simmer) for a duration of 30 minutes, blend the salt and the roasted onions.
Boil further (at low temperature, slowly simmer) for a duration of 30 minutes, till the meat gets spongy.
Mix it in Vinegar, remove from the heat and serve the hot tasty Goan mutton curry.