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Sugary drinks increases heart diseases in women.

Women who drink sugary drinks daily may get affected with the heart disease. These dessert resembling sweetened beverages, when taken in any form, whether soda tea or coffee, augments the risk of heart diseases. Even if the woman is not in the habit of putting overweight are likely to be affected with heart disease, when they drink soft sugar beverages.

Many previous researches that include the current Framingham Heart Study, which is at present in its 63rd year says that the heart disease is linked to the sugary drinks.

The assistant professor of epidemiology Christina Shay working at the university of Oklahoma said that they look into the link between the sugary drink and heart disease with risk features individually like blood pressure, obesity, cholesterol, etc.
Shay and her associates have been monitoring 4,166 individual who are in the age group of 45 and 84 years and are constituents of the bigger Atherosclerosis multi ethnic research.

The assistant professor and researcher found something unusual, who are in the habit of drinking sugary beverages build up elevated levels of triglycerides, which is indeed a kind of fat, which s not found in men.

Women who are in the habit of consuming more than two sugary drinks daily are liable to expand soaring levels of triglyceride, to that of the females who drink sugary drinks in small quantities. Likewise the females who have the habit of taking liquid sugar are likely to build up the fasting glucose in irregular levels, a symptom indicating that they will be building up diabetes.

Shay further added that even if the individuals do not gain weight, the sweetened beverages are likely to influence the risk factors of the heart disease.

As per the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, an approximate 26.8 million population of US citizens are found to be having heart disease.The heart disease occupies the top slot as the leading disease in the country. But still the American enjoys in drinking soda. According to the California Department of Public Health a normal US citizen consumes about fifty gallons of sweetened drinks annually.

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