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It is good for health if you are a woman by birth

Most of us say it is difficult if a person is a woman by birth, but being a woman does have some advantages. For instance women have more life span than men. An average woman lives five years more than average man.

Studies also show that woman is less prone to diseases when compared to men.

Some of the reasons why women outsmart men in health

Parkinson’s disease

Based on the investigation of some seven studies conducted by the University Of Virginia School Of Medicine, the investigators found that men develop Parkinson’s disease 1.5 times than women. The reason found out by a research conducted in 2004 in the Journal of Neurosurgery, Neurology, and Psychiatry is that the estrogen gives protection for women against the neurodegenerative disorders.

Liver Cancer

When compared to the men, the women are found to develop less hepatocellular carcinoma, which is the most common kind of liver cancer. As per the 2010 CDC report, men’s incidence rate is roughly three times more. It is found women having critical cases of liver cancer are found to have more life span, when compared to the men having the same disease.


As per the National cancer Institute, in 2010 an approximate 65,000indivdiuals were identified with Melanoma, out of which about 57 percent or 39,000 of the patients were found to be men.

Barrett's esophagus

As per a research published in The American Journal of Gastroenterology, in the year 2006, women are found to have developed less Barrett's esophagus then men. The Barrett's esophagus is a state in which the stomach acid damages the lining of esophagus. This was found to be less common in the women than men when the study was carried among the Mayo Clinic patients who were treated for the orders on the esophagus.


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