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Tips for Your Battle with Insomnia

Insomnia is mostly characterized by the difficulty to sleep. You find yourself lying down but tossing and turning at night, and then you most probably suffer from insomnia. Without a good night’s sleep, your body is unable to function to its optimum capacity. You feel tired, weak, and lack the energy to go about your day. If you do not get the necessary 8-hour rest at night, this article is for you. Here are ways to beat insomnia and attain that ever elusive sleep.

  1. Take your nap during the day and not in the afternoon. Keep it to 30 minutes to refresh your body and give you the energy boost.
  2. Maintain a regular schedule of sleep. This will help your body in recognizing the pattern and thus wind down at the appropriate hour.
  3. Eat a light dinner and avoid coffee or alcohol before bedtime.
  4. Try aromatherapy. Lavender and chamomile aid in relieving stress and soothe your body before going to bed. Light an incense stick or a scented candle with these fragrances.
  5. Massages are quite beneficial to help your body relax. Ask your partner to give you a back massage or feet massage using a little oil with few drops of chamomile or lavender. Make sure to rub the sore spots to ease you into stupor.
  6. Lie down and breathe. Imagine a quiet, serene place, breathe slowly and deeply while consciously relaxing your tired muscles. If you are a yoga practitioner, you may apply yogic breathing as well.
  7. Take a leaf out of feng shui. Remove anything that is under your bed so that the energy can circulate around you. Do not have paintings or pictures with water and avoid any bright and loud colors in the bedroom. Keep everything pastel as much as possible.
  8. Also from feng shui, never sleep with your feet facing the door. This will only lead to your constant need to be up and about and never settle down enough to rest.
  9. The head of your bed should rest against a wall and not a beam for a restful sleep.
  10. Amethyst and moon stone crystals are excellent stress relievers and are believed to help keep your mind tranquil. Put these under your pillow or by your bedside to help you sleep at night.
These are some tips you can use to finally be able to get a peaceful night at home. This is especially useful after a long day at work, a full day of running errands and doing chores, or a stressful circumstance.

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Hariharan Sundaram - Sep 27
If you are a light sleeper, it is advisable to have a hot chocolate drink before going to sleep. this helps in relaxing your body and allows for a better sleep.
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