Loss of wheat in Palanpur, after Vadodra
Hardly a fortnight back as 1200 tones of wheat intended for got the destitute decomposed at the railway station in Vadodra, enormous amount of wheat was found lying in the open at Palanpur railway station in the midst of showers.
But the officials said there is no possibility of damage to the supply as almost ten thousand bags (1 bag holds hundred kgs) that lay on the raised areas were draped with polythene sheets.
A district official belonging to the food dept said that they immediately moved into action once they received the news on the wheat bags lying openly. Sack about seven to eight wagons (1 wagon contains around 1200 bags) that were lying on the platform, exposed were sheltered utilizing about seven enormous polythene sheets.
The whole remaining supply was transported to the FCI (Food Corporation of India) godown.
Last month in Vadodra, about 1200 tonne of what intended for the allocation of the deprived got decomposed. Subsequent to a public interests complaint, the Gujarat HC has given notices to the CWC (Central Warehousing Corporation) on huge wastage