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WORLD ENVIRONMENT DAY celebrated at Jack & Jill, Bhavan’s Mangaf

This is the world we live in

These are the hands we are given

Use them and let’s start trying

To make it a place worth living

So c’mon let’s make it right!!


Being a living part of the earth we cannot harm any part of her without also harming ourselves. Much has been said about deforestation , pollution , global warming, animal migration… but is enough being done to save the world from these assaults.

Yes the problem is big but the group we have assembled to work on it is big too….. And guess  what ? YOU are a part of that group. -You, your family, even your friends and teachers at school. So do your part.  Learn … spread the word. Share your ideas and concerns.  One step at a time.

The children at Jack and Jill  - Bhavan’s  - Mangaf took their first step on this memorable day. “Plant a Sapling” was the theme. Encouraged by their teachers , the children understood their importance of ‘going  green’. Interesting Power point  presentations and a demonstration on ‘Water Cycle’ by the teachers made a huge impact on the children. The kids were delighted with a colourful  badge given as a take-away.

So let’s make everyday an Earth Day.

Together we can make it happen.

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