Well this topic is in general not related to any particular country or person. Many people will have a very different view or opinion on tuitions.The question is when should a parent send his/her child for tuitions. There are some parents who send their child right from the early age it can be from the first or second standard.Some send their children in all subjects while others in a few subjects. A child goes to school to study or learn, the time they spent after school hours should be spent on learning at home, watching cartoons or educational programs, playing with friends etc. otherwise they will miss out on their childhood days. There are some parents who see their neighbour's or friend's children going for tuitions & then send their children also. They are others where both parents are working & don't have the time with all the cooking, washing, shopping etc. They are others who the less educated who don't understand or find it difficult to teach their child.Today tuitions has become a money making racket where teachers intensionally do not teach properly in school so that the child will have to go to them for extra classes. Some children go for tuitions may be in the 10th or 12th standard mainly for maths or science. And there are some who have never gone or does even know how a tuition class looks like this could be because they are smart or even there could be parents that cannot afford to pay for one. Parents normally say to their childen that is a lot of competition today in the world or see your friend has got better marks or grades than you. Today, it is very common that parents force their children to become doctors & engineers. It could be the child is not interested in being a doctor or engineer & has a different career that he/she would like to pursue. If we are all doctors & engineers then there will be no plumbers, no cobblers, no sweepers, no helpers, no accountants etc. Everyone must have heard or read a student of 10th or 12th standard either commited suicide or has gone into at stage of depression. What would you prefer as a parent for your child. This decision is inyour hands. Remember God has created all human being for a reason and for a purpose.
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