Safety travel tips
Travelling to new destinations will sometimes bring you some unexpected incidents like robbery etc. You should be prepared to tackle all those incidents.
Always do remember to keep your important papers. Take a photocopy of all the important documents like driver’s license passport, and credit cards etc.
Always remember to carry a flashlight. Circumstances will make you travel in dark surroundings. Under that type of situations, your flashlight comes in handy to your rescue.
Avoid wearing any valuable ornaments like gold chain, or gold wrist watch or too much money or credit cards etc.
Do not publicly speak about your travel plans to your friends, relatives or dear ones in front of any strangers, or at any unfamiliar surroundings.
Likewise do not show your passport in pubic Just show your documents unobtrusively to the concerned officials only.
Do purchse some portable alarm that gives a loud sound.
Do not travel in taxis that do not have any number plates.
Prior to your travelling, try to be familiar with the train and bus schedule of the place where you wish to travel.