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Red palace (Red fort)

Location & history
The Red fort is situated at a distance of 32 kilometres from Kuwait city at Jahra. It was constructed in the year 1895 with the instructions from Mubarak Al-Sabah (also known as Mubarak Al-Kabir). It is widely believed that the fort got its red colour due to the bloodshed that occurred in the Battle of Jahra in 1920.
Salient aspects
You will find the Red fort as a rectangular building with a tower at its 4 corners. You can come across 6 courtyards including the main courtyard with a water well and also a total number of 33 rooms. Mud mixed with desert shrubs were utilized in constructing the fort towers. You can find interesting artefacts like cannons, and other artilleries used in the war. Some of the other impressive aspects you can find in this fort are the 3 huge gates found at the exterior corners. The fort is the venue for festivals and exhibitions.
No entry ticket, free admission
Marzouk al-Mat'aab Street, Jahra, Kuwait
Phone No: 24772559
Visiting hours
Sun to Thurs: 08:30 AM to 12:30 PM, 04:30 PM to 07:30 PM
Fri Sat from 08:30 AM to 11:00 AM, 04.30 PM to 07.30 PM