Oman Education System

In Oman, up to the end of the secondary level, the education is provided free of charge. The school attendance is not compulsory at any stage. In the year 1970, a total of only three formal schools with 900 students were present. During the 1970s and the 80s, the national educational program in Oman has extended swiftly. In between the period of 2006 to 2007, a total of nearly 560,000 students studied in 1053 public schools. A total of 20,000 students studied in private schools. To fight the illiteracy prevailing among the adults, many extensive programs were intitiated. In 1986, in the vicinity of Muscat, the only university called the Sultan Qaboos University, was established and it had a total number of 13,500 students in the year 2006.

The education comprises of 4 stages – the primary, basic, secondary and higher education.

Pre-School Education

The preschool education is provided to children who are under the age of ten years by a number public institutes and private sectors. The Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Social Affairs supervises the education system in Oman. Enrollment at the nursery level is very restricted with an estimation of one percent. In a number of cites Kindergarden education is available there is an estimated enrolment of around 15%. From 8.00 am to 12.30 pm the school attendance expands, and the teacher is at the liberty to manage the period.

Basic Education

The Oman Education ministry commenced the expansion work on the programme of basic education to steadily restore the three tier of General education. The primary objective of the reform is to make an integrated system encompassing the initial ten years of schooling. Into two cycles, the basic education is being organized. From one to fourth grade, the first cycle is covered, and from the fifth to the tenth grade, the second cycle is covered. A two year of post-Basic Education system also known as the secondary education follows these two cycles. In the academic year 1989-1999, the first schools begin to initiate the innovative system.

Secondary Education: It lasts for a period of three years or you are at the liberty of graduate at anytime.

Higher education

The education ministry in Oman is comparatively juvenile, as the country’s primary university, the Sultan Qaboos University (SQU) was established only in the year 1986. Before the opening of the SQU, the Oman government send is students to pursue their higher studies in the adjoining Arab countries such as Kuwait, UAE, Egypt and Jordan. Scholarships are also provided to students to study in the U.K and the USA.

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