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IBL teams see progress, in 3rd week of tournament
IBL KUWAIT: Indian Bowling League (IBL) now through the round robin qualifying stage of the on-going 2011 Tenpin Bowling Tournament Season 2 being held at Cozmo Salmiya, saw the front running Federation pin busters and the time masters of West End Watches Company renew their lane rivalry as they showed off their dominating form in posting impressive scores over the weekend.
Making it to the 3rd week winners list were the fast improving Al Qwassem, Spare Us and the on and off pin breakers of Fire Fly.
Tired and weary of playing second fiddle and eager to topple the pace setting Federation kingpins from the top of the table, the watch makers of West End might be on the right track based on their walk in the park victory over the Pin Pointers. In the first game of the 3-game series match, the West End Watches foursome of Ahmad Sultan, Lloyd Fernandes, Nelson D’Souza and Rudolph Castelino started their campaign with a modest 727-657 winning effort. In game 3 Ahmad Sultan of West End Watches Co. played a startling 255 winning the Weekly Men’s High Game as the time watchers handed the hapless Pin Pointers a 915-779 beating. In booking their 2482-2088 total pin falls win. Suiting up for the over matched Pin Pointers were Alfred Avila, Joe Presenta, Lito Michael, Rocky Castil & Rudy Delima.
Getting the feel of the bowling center after 2 Weeks, the vastly improved Whiplash subdued Spare Us in games two and three on their way to a 2,396-2,562 total pin falls victory. Spearheaded by the veteran Aga Cuadrazal, the rest of the Whiplash namely Edwin De Mesa, Rico Baluyot, Aldin Avila & Vernie Villaruel back a tough Spare Us in the opening game with a 774-777 decision. Bowling for Spare Us in this outing were Adrian Noronha, Anthony King, Bala Subramanyam, Brian Fernandes, Colin Costa & Valentine Gonsalves
Going to the only other match up of the week, Federation had a fierce battle against Third Position holder Al Qwassem whose fighting spirit was uninterrupted throughout the match. Outclassing their rivals in game one & game two, Federation Bowlers led by Paul Delany, Moustafa Mousawi, Salem Hajras & Basel Al Anzi defeated Al Qwassem to 809-725, 856-749 and lost in game three 811-879 to Al Qwassem fought back fiercely with 231 by Ayad Amiri, 231 by Fahad Rughaib, 211 by Yacob Shatti & 184 by Fahad Abul. Federation bowlers lead to victory with 2476-2353. League leader Federation Bowlers fell one notch down remained 5 points behind the time keepers West End Watches Co.
Meanwhile, Amaya maintained the winning order of the day by dishing out an impressive 689-535, 789-498 & 887-638 three game sweep over the neophyte pin breakers of the i-bowl team. In posting their walk in park 2365-1671 total pin falls victory Loukmaan King, Rod Llait, Liza Catapia, Raine Ualat& Blanca Mercado carried the scoring load for Amaya. Suiting up for the i-bowl team in this match were Ram Iyer, Xavier Mascarenhas, Cleona D’Souza, Roy Vaz & Kamran Shaikh.
The other participating team Bowling Stones at position 12 in the Greenie group bowled their way up against the Street Bowlers and came to a close victory with a pinfall of 2140-2103. Bowling Stones taking control of game two and three after losing game one to the Street Bowlers. Playing for Bowling Stones were Branden Pinto, Leandro Rodrigues, Leroy Rodrigues & Raoul Pinto. Heading the Street Bowlers Amaldo Fernandes, Julian D’Silva, Rakesh Ramanan, Shirley Castellino & Floyd Suares and holding out at position 7 on the Intermediate group.
Across the other lanes Fire Fly pin crackers simply overpowered the beleaguered Alleygators en route to an easy 2483-2134 victory and winning the weekly High Team Series for Week Three. Having a big edge due to their experience in years of bowling, Fire Fly started rather slow and was made to flex their muscles before turning back their opponents in game one of the 3-game series match 783-661. Fully warmed up for the next game, the Quartet of Nourie Amiri, Abdurahman Swaydeh, Saleh Khalid & Jassim Darwish overrun the defenseless Alleygators 838-689. Now totally in control of the match, the rest of the Fire Fly keglers namely Bill Stiles, Lee Mills, Carol Al Awadi, Nasha King went home smiling after completing a 3-game sweep with another impressive 862-781 win in game three. Bowling in this outing for the vanquished Alleygators were Jason D’Souza, Rohan Fernandes, Waleed Saadedeen, Jafar Soleiman & Samantha Fernandes.
Joining the band wagon Petrol Link considered one of the contenders for the Championship League Category who cooled off Kegler Strikers in an astonishing fashion. Packed with experienced bowlers who are mainstays of teams participating in other on-going bowling leagues, Petrol Link literally stopped the clock on their rivals who woke up to a 2360-2298 defeat. Spearheaded by the four some of Farid Gabriel, Abdullah Khalid, Mohammed Ashour & Abdul Aziz Aslawi claimed one game on hand via 795-664, 787-798, and 778-836 losing the 2nd & 3rd game to Kegler Strikers and winning the overall pinfalls. Manning the lanes for Kegler Strikers in their line of fire were Aqeel Al Farisy, Al Belarmino, Ed Mendoza & Jr Sabado.
Displaying the same solid pin breaking they dished out last season, the happy go lucky tenpin strikers of Just Smile in Italian known as Solo Sorriso breezed through a tough outing against the out classed No Strikes Team. As if moving around their own backyard, the victorious Team of Mohammed Al Rashed, Ibrahim Al Jaddi, Abdullah Behbehani and Youef Al-Huraibi carried (Just Smile) Solo Sorriso to a wide gap 808-702 decision in game one of the 3-game series meeting.
Now in full throttle, (Just Smile) Solo Sorriso completed a three to nothing win by pinning down No Strikes!! in game three via a 705-677 rout. The final score of the match was 2258-2050 in favor of (Just Smile) Solo Sorriso. Also bowling for the No Strikes!!! In this match were Anastasius Menezes, Joel Fernandes, Max Gomes, Ulysses Menezes, Fatima Sequeira, Nadine Dias & Christine D’Souza
The team standings after three weeks are as follows (read as rank, team name and total points) Championship
Group 1. West End Watches Co.- 100, 2. Federation - 95, 3. Al Qwassen 70, 4. Spare Us - 65, Intermediate Group 5. Firefly - 60, 6. Solo Sorisso - 55, 7. Street Bowlers 50, 8. Whiplash – 45, 9. Kegler Strikers – 35
Greenie Group 10. No Strikes!! – 35, 11. Amaya – 35, 12. Bowling Stones – 25, 13. Alleygatorz – 20, 14. Petrolink – 15, 15. Pin Pointers – 10, 16. I Bowl – 10.
Weekly High Team Series was taken by Firefly with 2483. The Weekly Men’s High game was captured by Ahmad Sultan of West End Watches Co. with 255 game. The Weekly Women’s High Game was delivered by Blanca Mercado with a score of 232. Cash prizes for the weekly winner’s was sponsored by AMMAN Rest., Salmiya.
The matches of the Indian Bowling League are held every Friday at 1.30pm at the Cozmo Bowling Center located at the Salmiya City Center.
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