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Honeysuckle coating protects people from UV rays

Washington, June 2 (IANS) Clothes coated with honeysuckle extract could effectively protect people from the sun's harmful ultraviolet (UV) rays.

 Ren-Cheng Tang and Sha-Sha Sun, scientists at Soochow University, China, wanted to see whether honeysuckle extract could boost wool's ability to block UV rays. They found that wool coated with honeysuckle extract blocked UV rays much more effectively than untreated wool, reports the journal Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research.
 The extract was durable and remained active on wool, even after long exposure to sunlight and laundering. The researchers conclude that honeysuckle extract shows significant potential as a natural UV-blocking agent for clothing.
 There is a growing trend among people -- concerned about skin cancer risks and premature aging -- to rely on clothing for protection from the sun's ultra-violet rays, according to a Soochow statement.
 Natural UV-protection coatings like that of the honeysuckle can have advantages, including production in a more sustainable fashion with less environmental impact.
 In China, an ingredient in honeysuckle is used to preserve food and as an additive in cosmetics to keep the skin looking younger.

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