Development in higher education very much essential for the growth of economy.
Advocating the quick passage pertaining to the Higher Education, Sam Pitroda, the tech Czar said the higher educational reforms are very much essential for the economic growth of the country.
Mr. Sam Pitroda, the advisor to the prime minister, whilst speaking on the 2011 higher Education summit of the Federation of Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FICCI) said the reforms in Higher Education is very much essential to combat the shortage in skills, which does not permit the annual economy to grow at 8 to 10%.
He further added that a number of National Knowledge commission recommendations are in the implementing stage. He said that they are waiting for the government to take action on the recommendations dealing with the higher education reforms.
Mr.Pitroda said that all the bills were drafted but none of the bills are being tabled or passed by the parliament.
The adviser to the Prime Minister referring to the plan of the Government for $ 5 billion for the National Knowledge Network(NKN), which is anticipated to get ready in a period of nine months. Mr.Pitoda said the NKN will facilitate the researchers as well as the student from the diverse backgrounds and varied topographies to closely work for progressing human development.
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