China gets tough on foreign employees, to initiate fingerprinting
China gets rigid on workers belonging to foreign nations and is to kick start the fingerprinting drive all over the country.
As per the draft law presented to the National Peoples’ Congress, every foreign person staying in China for more than six months and planning to get residency certificates, should provide their fingerprints.
Students, workers and all the foreign employees, who intend to stay for a period of more than a year, are to be affected to a great deal, by these new measures.
The foreigners working in china are already subjected to strict norms by the government for resident permit. Every foreign employee before joining their duty has to compulsorily take up health tests.
Till previous year, China insisted that all foreign nationals have to take up compulsory AIDS test, prior to their resident permit application. However in wake of sharp criticism that it is discerning the people on the basis of HIV test, the measure was later scrapped.
Many countries have introduced the finger printing method. The foreigners have already got used to this test. Subsequent to the haunting 9/11 terrorist assault, US implemented the fingerprinting analysis for the expatriates. . Another country to execute this strategy is Malaysia.
As per Xinhua, the official news agency of China, the bureaucrats’ want the foreign employees to acquire work permits, so as prevent illegal entry of foreign workers.