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Ants use chemical weapon to vanquish invaders
Jun 09, 2011
Argentine ants are marching over the world, spreading into Mediterranean and subtropical climates, vanquishing native ant species, a latest research reports. However a native ant species seems to have... Read More
Astronomers stumble on planet going the wrong way
Jun 08, 2011
All planets move around their stars in the same direction as the star spins - but now astronomers have stumbled onto one that goes the wrong way. ... Read More
Electric charges can turn materials hard or soft in seconds
Jun 07, 2011
Now smart materials can turn hard or soft within seconds, according to a startling new discovery.... Read More
Scientists forecast irreversibly hotter summers
Jun 07, 2011
Tropical regions are likely to experience irreversibly hotter summers within the next 20 to 60 years, warns a climatologist.... Read More
How do we comprehend new sentence structures
Jun 07, 2011
We cannot possibly anticipate or memorize every potential word, phrase, or sentence. Yet we have no trouble constructing and understanding the myriads of novel utterances every day.... Read More
Brain tells you whether to stay or go while foraging
Jun 07, 2011
Every creature that forages for food decides at some point that the food source it is working on is no richer than the rest of the patch and that it's time to move on and find something better, a rece... Read More
Super microscope helps pinpoint our immunity 'switch'
Jun 06, 2011
Scientists have pinpointed the exact molecular 'switch' which spurs T-cells into activating our immune system against the invasion of germs, thanks to the only super microscope of its kind in Australi... Read More
Soon, birth control pill for men sans steroids
Jun 05, 2011
Researchers are developing what may be the first oral contraceptive for men without any side effects as it does not contain steroids.... Read More
Gastric bypass surgery linked to increased fracture risk
Jun 05, 2011
People who have had gastric bypass (bariatric) or other weight-loss surgeries have an even higher risk of fractures than previously found.... Read More
Why do some get hooked to depression?
Jun 03, 2011
We all have a fight with a friend, sometimes a divorce, the loss of a parent. But most of us get over it. Only some go on to develop major depression and stay hooked. Why? ... Read More