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With the latest update on dashboard, Microsoft creates kinect to be useful

One of the main complaints of the kinect was it was not able to do the type of things an individual will envisage, such as steering through his Xbox effortlessly. The voice controls was controlled extremely and likewise it only with certain apps, it functioned .The Kinect system was left underutilized, which made Microsoft to make changes in it.

Microsoft made some change with latest updates, which made the kinect to be more efficient. The latest updates permits navigation through voice command on the dashboard. The user can simply utter “app marketplace” or “videos” and he will be taken to that segment, where by means of voice command, he can initiate apps such as Netflix, LastFM.

Furthermore a user can utilize Kinect tool through Bing as a search tool. Even as Google is being utilized most of the users for their web browsing requirements on the Xbox, Bing is also found to be fairly helpful. When a user utters like “Bing Martin Scorsese”, its work is brought to him on Zune, “Bing Lady Gaga” or Netflix. By means of the YouTube apps; you can receive all her music videos. Indeed a pretty cool facility.

However the kinect does not identify the conversational talk such as Siri from Apple. You still need to speak certain voice command that is exclusively programmed. With this type of technology, there are chances for the voice commands to get misunderstood. Still with this innovative incorporation, kinect is to establish itself as uncomplicated and more efficient then a physical controller.

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