Vitamin B assists in preventing Alzheimer's disease.
Vitamin B assists in preventing Alzheimer's disease.
A recent research carried out reveals that Vitamin B helps in fighting off memory loss in an individual, when he gets aged and even assist in averting Alzheimer's disease.
The study was carried out at the Oxford University, on more than 250 individuals, that included persons who suffered form slight cognitive impairment, and who were in the age group of 70 years and above.
During the research, the individual were with foods like meat, banana, bananas, wholegrain and placebo for over a duration o fmore than two years.
These Vitamin B rich foods effectively assist in preserving the mental procedures like organizing, planning, and recollecting the information.
Likewise the researchers happen to see that the individual, who took the pills, has the brain protein at the low level and is sometimes lead to increase in dementia risk.
The Researchers found that the mental decline got slowed down in the elderly people who had small problems with the memory.
The study also recommends that a dementia patient instead of taking complex medicine, can consume food supplements in abundance