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TRAI asks telecom companies to provide “per second” plan.

TRAI (Telecom Regulatory Authority of India) has made it compulsory for the operator of the Telecom sector to provide a minimum, one tariff plan on the basis of per second pulse rate. As per the regulator, the choice of per second billing will be obtainable for both post paid as well as pre paid consumers.

The TRAI declares the service contributors will have the freedom to provide substitute tariff arrangement with any type of pulse rate inside, on the whole ceiling of 25 tariff procedures.

TRAI also declared a limit on the amount charged for SMSes and calls intended for taking part in games and competitions. In its modifications to the TTO (Telecommunication Tariff Order), the controller cited the prices for the PRS (“premium rate services”) charged by the service providers are “significantly higher” that the regular tariff.

The independent regulator said that in view of the truth, that SMSes and calls made for taking part in voting and contest, barely has any substance, the controller has ordered that the tax for such kind of SMSes and calls should not go beyond 4 times of the appropriate Local SMS/ Call charges.

The new initiative arrives curtly subsequent to the announcement of Re. 1 hike by the regulator, on top up vouchers’ processing fees exceeding twenty rupees.

The regulating body has decided to raise the ceiling on the processing fees of the top up vouchers, from two rupees to three rupees, in deference of Top up vouchers with a MRP (Maximum Retail Price) of Rs.20 and over, and to carry on .with the Rs.2 prevailing ceiling in respect to the top up voucher having a Maximum Retail Price of below Rs. twenty.

The independent regulator also has asked the Telcos that at least one top up voucher should be charged below ten rupees.

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