The Speed of Internet Connection in various countries
Internet has become part and parcel of life. The broad band has penetrated deep into the lives of the humans, the impact of internet is that much is that we cannot imagine being a single day without internet. We will feel somewhat crippled, amputated when the net does not get connected.Internet has become a personal communication and one of the most preferential business.
Internet is a knowledge treasure and an instant encyclopedia. You can get anything with a fraction of a second. You only need to type your query inside the search bar of the search engine and with a wink of an eye you get loads and loads of answers for your query. With its growing popularity, internet connection is now considered as an indicator for equality and social justice in many surveys
Globally, not less than 20% of internet connections are at a speed of that is greater than 5mbps. This is a 21% increase in normal speed of internet connection at the year end of 2007. According to a report prepared by a well-known telecommunication the top 10 countries are
1. South Korea
2. Japan
3. Hong Kong
4. Romania
5. Sweden
6. Switzerland
7. Netherlands
8. Belgium
9. Slovakia
10. Norway
Astonishingly, the United States of America hold the 17th position .The normal internet speed for China is 833 Kbps. Out of the surveys conducted on 223 countries, India stands at 115th position, a not so satisfactory position with a normal speed of 772 kbps. The worldwide internet connection speed is at 1. Mbps. India needs to strive hard and cope up with the fast moving internet connection speed. However heartening thing is constructive steps are being taken in the right direction.
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