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The Indian School Bahrain

Today, The Indian School, Bahrain is one of the largest expatriate schools in the
Arabian Gulf with strength of over 8000 students and an enthusiastic workforce of 450 members.
The school aims at..
Providing educational facilities for the children of Indian origin in accordance with the syllabi of the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE). Students of other nationalities may also be admitted at the discretion of the school.
Achieving excellence in scholastic and non-scholastic activities so as to mould a student into a wholesome personality – inculcating in the students a sense of appreciation for the Indian culture and traditions and infusing in them a sense of tolerance for other cultures and beliefs without losing sight of their identity and their roots.
Transforming the student into an individual with sound academic base, analytical skills, civic responsibilities and cultural values by providing an environment for the student to become competitive, loving, sympathetic and accommodative without compromising on individual values.
Creating an environment where every individual in the campus has the freedom to think, express and redefine boundaries set for them for the better cause of humanity and be a world class citizen.
The Indian School, Kingdom of Bahrain
P.O. Box:558
Isa Town.
ISA Town Tel : 00973 17684166
ISA Town Fax : 00973 17682120
Sitra Tel : 00973 17732120
Sitra Fax : 00973 17732337
Email:[email protected]