The daily deal aggregator, The Deal Map brought by Google
Living social. With the entry of Google, the competition seems to get intense in this field.
The terms of acquisitions were not revealed. Google has already made it s presence felt by means o Google offers, the e-commerce as well you the mobile payments.
A Deal map blog asserts, that an ideal platform is offered by Google to accelerate its growth and accomplish its mission.
At present the largest company in the daily deal market is Gropucon followed by Living social. However recently, many deep pocketed competitors have forayed into the market.
In 2010, Google tried to buy Groupcon .Later, Google started its own daily business called Google offer.
In May 2010, the DealMap was launched and aggregates tenders from a number of various websites. More than two million consumers and its app were downloaded to Google’s Android phone and Apple’s phone.
Through the dailydeal website, the local and every day deals will be still made available by means of the Deal map website. Daily email and mobile apps.
The Daily map further asserted, that they are ready to share further about integration and plans on transition. It assures that it will update its partners and consumers on progress and every information.