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Study say heart risk is low during the marathon, but rising in the last one decade

Posted 13 Jan 2012 by jaijai

A research conducted on 11 million race admissions, says that heart risks is low in half marathon or full marathon , however in the last 10 year it has increased.

As per the results published in the medical journal, the heart risk factor is high in men when compared to that of women and the full marathons are regarded as more hazardous than the half marathon with blocked arteries, expanded hearts considered as the major cause.

Runners are often considered an embodiment of health, but it seems that heart disease can have its toll even on runners. Even though being a runner is considered as one of the best strategies to stay healthy, it is not guaranteed that he will remain 100% protective.

People are affected with heart diseases either when they are born (hereditary) or they acquire as they get aged.

The research was conducted based on the database obtained from all the US marathons like the 26.2miles or the 42 km long race the study was carried on race registration totaling to 10.9millions. In those findings, 59 cases were found with cardiac arrests and 42 of them were reported to be fatal during the running session or after a period of one hour after the commencement of the race.

That converts into a one risk for every 184,000 runners, with one immediate death in every 259,000 runners.

It is in contrast to one casualty for every 42,770 college athletes annually and one in 7,620 for the apparently strong joggers who are middle aged.

The cardiac arrest risk for men was five times high when compared to women

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