Some people suffer from sleep texting
The present day world demands a lot from an individual, and makes him undergo lots of stress and strain. Mobile phones nowadays have almost become a part and parcel of an individual’s life. They have developed an addiction toward the mobile phones and they depend a lot on them. Their overdependence has made them to suffer from a new type of disease called sleep texting. These people without their knowledge in send text while sleeping to their friends.
Dr. David Cunnington, a sleep specialist belonging to the Melbourne Sleep disorder centre said they do have patients coming to their center with problem of sending text in their mobile phones while sleeping. It is indeed a very rare one.
Stress and work overload are found to be some of the key factors, that are responsible for this sleep texting disorder. People constantly use the mobile phones sending messages and they refuse to part with their mobile phones. They constantly send text and this habit has almost become a routine activity, a sort of reflex action, and hence without their knowledge sends text on their mobile phones while sleeping