Research says that one out of nine Brits confess to drug driving
The road safety charity brake conducted a survey asking pavement ‘drugalyser’ to grab hold of motorists who are found to be high.
Ellen Booth, the senior campaign office of the Brake said that the dangers are high for driving on drugs and it has destructive repercussions, but still considerable numbers of young drivers are playing on their own and also in other lives, this awful gamble.
She said a ban on drug driving must made and drugalysers are required. She further added the longer, the procedure gets prolonged, and then a more number of lives will be lost dreadfully.
The British government has released the discoveries of the survey, it said that the expert panel is drafting the country’s primary drug drive laws.
The various effects of cannabis, cocaine, heroin, and ecstasy, while driving will be considered by the expert panel.
The present police test on the spot can recognize the lack of capability of the driver, but they cannot purposely recognize whether the drug has been taken by the driver.