Phone taking 3D pictures in markets soon
London, Sep 5 (IANS) A smartphone which will be able to click 3D pictures is likely to hit markets next month.
Photos taken on Sony Ericsson's new, top-of-the-range Xperia Arc S can be viewed on any compatible TV set. The camera works by clicking simultaneous images and "stitching" them together.
The phone, which runs Google's Android operating system, has a 4.2 inch screen and 8.1 megapixels camera, reports the Daily Mail.
Sony Ericsson said the Arc S's 1.4GHz processor means it will start up 25 percent faster than its predecessor, the Arc.
It doubles as a remote control for Sony Bravia TV and features Sony?s Music and Video Unlimited media stores. The device was unveiled at the IFA technology fair in Berlin.
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