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Do you suffer from bad breath?Are your gums bleeding?Does it hurt when you eat?
Watch out!This is gum infection, an early sign of gum disease. You could be on the way to a condition called gingivitis. Left unchecked; gingivitis can lead to periodontitis, an advanced and serious form of jawbone and gum disease.
The first step in treating bleeding gums, is to get a check up at the dentist!Next, brush your teeth correctly, but most importantly; use DXN's Ganozhi Toothpaste.
Ganozhi toothpaste alone contains ganoderma, the renowned super medicinal mushroom, to provide extra strength and a host of nutrition for the gums themselves. This all-natural product contains no artificial
Now, the visible effects of gum disease are one thing.Of more concern, is what happens when even a mild case of gum infection and bleeding gums are left untreated?
That's because when gum infection and inflammation spreads from the gums to the ligaments and bone that support the teeth. And when treatment for gingivitis is ignored, those teeth become loose and eventually fall out. Definitely not a pretty sight!
As if that's not bad enough, potentially, gum disease is detrimental to your general health.
Again, if treatment for gingivitis is ignored, such action can actually increase the risk of heart disease, pancreatic cancer, and a whole host of other life-threatening diseases.That's because millions of bacteria rapidly multiply where your toothbrush can't get to them.They flood directly into the bloodstream via those bleeding gums, bypassing the body's first line of defence and wreaking havoc. And without early treatment for gingivitis, the prognosis is for expensive and uncomfortable specialist surgery, and a lifetime of care.
If dental care is just not affordable, or you're dental-phobic, it's no excuse not to take the first easy step, and switch right now to Ganozhi toothpaste.And being a DXN product, you know it's quality assured and TGA approved.
Remember. There's so much more at stake than a nice smile, sparkling teeth and sweet breath.There's your health
Checking your symptoms is the first step to discovering the state of your health of teeth & gums. It can be alarming when you actually see in black and white just how many symptoms you are experiencing for your mouth problems. Do you wish to know what would be the best way to… use DXN's Ganozhi Toothpaste, A Malaysian products locally available at your doorstep, Please call for prompt response and quick delivery +971 50 7369 264 or mail: [email protected]
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