Methods to get rid of your facial pores
Having pores on the face is a normal one. Nevertheless, trouble crops up when they become large enough to deform your face. Certain people are fortunate enough to have only small pores, which is negligible, whereas the others should take some extra effort to remove them. Following the below mentioned strategies will effectively help them in getting rid of the pores.
A simple method is taking a steam bath from time to time. Steam bathe effectively helps in combating off the pores. It removes the dirt, oil, dead skin and effectively removes off the pores.
In a vessel, mix pine apple juice and lemon juice. Take a towel and drench it into the mixture. Place the drenched towel firmly on the face. Allow for a few minutes, and then wash off your face with lukewarm water. The pores can be effectively with lemon water and the pineapple juice helps in efficiently polishing and tightening the skin.
It may somewhat sound strange but it is true that simply applying tooth paste on the pores effectively helps in eradicating them.
You can also apply ice cubes daily on the pores for 15 to 20 minutes. This also helps in removing the pores.
Add ample amount of Vitamin C to your diet. Eat Citrus fruit rich in vitamin C as it effectively help in improving skin elasticity and tightening of the skin.