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Japan Culture
In Japanese language the family is called as “Kazoku”. Just like the other society families, The Japan family is composed of a couple. It is based on a line of descendent. By a family genealogy or keifu, the ancestors and offspring are bonded together. This does not mean the relationship are linked merely on the bases of blood inheritance and succession, however a relationship linkage in the preservation and persistence of the family as an organization.
Subsequent to World War II, the allied forces instituted a fresh family ideology on the basis of equal rights to women, equivalent inheritance to all kids and free selection of career and spouse.
In an urban salary man family, the head of the family, i.e., the husband goes to work and return home late in the evening. Sunday is the only day to go for outings. The mother looks after the household. In these kinds of families the closest emotional ties exist between the mother and the kids. The house wife may also have a part time job or may participate in community activities or adult education.
In a self employed family, the husband and wife work simultaneously and look after the family business.
Japan food
Cooked Rice is the much preferred staple food for the Japanese. It was introduces by the Chinese during the Heian period (Ancient period).In japans language the boiled rice is called as gohan or meshi. The Japanese peasants in the mountainous areas mix the rice with millet and eat. In these areas the rice will not grow that much abundantly. .eh Chinese introduced chopsticks to the Japanese culture.
After-the 9th century, grilled fish and meat (yakimono), steamed food (mushimono), simmered food (simino), and jellied fish (nikogori) form part of the Japanese cuisine
At present some of the foods that are found at the national level (Shushoku) are Rice (gohan), Noodles (men-rui) and Bread (pan).
Japan dress
The Japanese woman, men and kids wear a traditional dress called the Kimono. In Japanese the word Kimono means is a thing to wear. (Ki-thing, mono-to wear).
The Kimono dress is in ‘T’ shape, with straight line robes and the hem falls to the ankle. The Kimono has attached collars and long broad sleeves. The Kimonos are draped around the body with the left side over the right.The Kimono is secured by a sash known as the obi. The obi is fastened at the back. The dress is normally worn with conventional footwear (zori or geta) and the slip stocks called the tabi.
Japanese sports
Sports form a prominent part in Japanese culture. The traditional sports like Sumo and Martial arts and Western sports like football and baseball are immensely popular.
Sumo: It is one of the most popular sports in Japan. In this a wrestler (rikishi) tries to force another wrestler out of a spherical ring (dohyo) or to contact the earth with something other than the feet soles. The Sumo has its origin right from the days of the ‘Shinto’ religion
Some of the popular martial arts are Karate, judo, Tai Kwando. Another popular sport is Puroresu, a professional wrestling sport.