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Is your company’s entire browser, the latest?

Keeping the browser regularly updated is not an easy job though it must be kept modernized. Apart from keeping the core browser updated, we need to keep the plug-in like flash, java, quicktime regularly updated. 

The security vendor Qualys last year started a single user service known as the Browser Check enable the customer recognize and remediate obsolete browser issues. At present Qualys with the Browser Check Business Edition, is in the process of increasing that attempt that provides a dashboard interface that facilitates an administrator to recognize the status of browser for multiple users.

The CTO of Qualys, Wolfgang Kandek said that the company’s effort facilitates an account creation by an IT administrator on the Browser Check so that they can know the status of the browser in their group. The dashboard will indicate what type of operating system and what type of browser the users are using as well they can recognize the vulnerabilities.

The method to know how the system work is, that at first the admin signs up on the Business edition website to make an account .the customers are then given a peculiar URL to test their browsers with the Qualys service available online. Through a public website the Standalone service of Browser check is accessible. By business edition only the IT administrator will be able to know the complete information of all the customers in a group. The information is kept secured with a combination of user word and password.


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