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Indian Learners Own Academy

All the teachers and taught remain focused on excellence in all they do — academically, in extra-curricular activities, in professional development… and in behaviour, where student are encouraged to strive for excellence and ‘anchor’ themselves in being excellent persons in every way.
“Wherever you are in the school, students, staff, parents, and visitors can see the positive rules — the highlighted three R’s of Respect, Responsibility, and Resourcefulness. They are posted throughout the school, and they are the cornerstone of behaviours, we expect at “Learners Own Academy.”
Teaching faculty strives to put the children first in all the decisions and activities. In planning activities, the planners remind themselves that they are all about the students. The children are the reason, and Academy’s goal is to put them first in everything done here.”
Culture of the school has a focus on ensuring good teaching and learning process. It is believed that if they are continually being taught well then pupils will develop excellent study habits, which they can then apply to all areas of their curriculum.
“Teachers present stimulating lessons and activities that successfully meet pupils’ needs and engage their motivation to learn; this is an outstanding feature. A high priority is given to the development of pupils’ basic, key and wider skills. This provision has many outstanding features, including a wealth of creative, investigative and other skills work that is impacting on pupils’ standards of learning.”
Academy believes in strict norms of discipline. If the school is strict, then the individual teachers need not be as strict as the pupils know what to expect across the board and are less likely to push boundaries. This means teachers can teach without worrying, and if the teachers are having fun/enjoying what they are doing, building a good rapport with the class then the knock on effects can be fantastic. Academy expects its students to have high aspirations; their academic progress and examination success are ensured by top quality teaching, and traditional values of self-discipline, politeness, responsibility and sensitivity to the needs of others underpin the school ethos. We claim our school to be a good school because it promotes pupils’ creativity, standards of achievement, the quality of the teaching and the extent to which learning experiences meet learners’ needs and interests.
Academy is highly effective in evaluating its strengths and weaknesses of students and has good capacity to improve each learner that’s why our goal is to make“everyone is an achiever”. We particularly value the tremendous support of parents. Academy follows the curriculum outlines set By Central Board of Secondary Education –International, Delhi till class VIII and will strictly adhere to the CBSE curriculum for its secondary and senior secondary classes.
Block No.24
Street 15, Area-1
Jleeb AI shyoukh, Kuwait
Postal Address: P.O. Box 85860,
Jleeb Al shyoukh, Kuwait
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 00965-24337140