Healthy Food
Is the food that we are consuming good & health ? Our immediate anwser will be yes. We purchase the grocery, wash the fruits & vegetables & prepare a home made meal. Occassionally due to time constrains or over the weekends we may dine out which by the way is not bad. Depending on each one's financial position one may dine out in a fancy restaurant, fast food joint or just a simple restaurant. But sometimes the restaurant that we dine in may have unhygengic kitchen conditions or stale food which the customer may not be aware of.
Due to the ever increasing population the food that is planted or grown etc is not in the conventional method. Most of the food is genetically implanted may it be the rice grain, egg, tomato, chicken or meat etc. You must have see an email circulated a fews year back of KFC & there is also a documentary of McDonalds which can be vey disturbing for some but still we tend to have them. Soft drinks & juice also conatins a lots of sugar.
There was also an email circulated that coke can clean the toilet. The sea food that we eat is even unsafe to a certain extent as chemcial & other waste are dumped into the sea. The cooperative society also replace the expiry dates of many of their products. Many medicine have been banned as they are unfit for human consumption. Today you may have heard or seen young children diagonised with many diseases unlike their grandparents. Like it or not, consious or unconsious we do consume these food.