Google wallet –the path ahead for payments by mobile.
Even though we have a lot of payment options like Debit and credit Card., ATMs centers we still desire money to be more mobile that is to make payment still faster. This is where Google steps in. Google offers the NFC (Near Field Communication) based mobile system nicknamed as the Google wallet.
The NFC based mobile system Google wallet now has the support of Citibank, MasterCard together with the Mac’s , Sybway, Walgreens., and few other as partners. The service is already on a testing phase carried in the US Metros of SanFransico, New York. The Sprin‘s nexus S users will be the primary ones who would be using this system. However Google affirmed that it make uses of this facility in all devices in due course of time. To avail this facility all you need to have is a master card that is configured with the system or a prepaid Google card that can be supported from any other card.
When you have all this facility you can utilize your mobile phone as your wallet. By this method you can start making payments which would be debited to your account that is configured with the system.
Another tied service is also announced by Google termed as the Google offers .The “offer of the day” will sent to your inbox and then to pay for this amount you can utilize your Google wallet. The offer is at present only available in the US. But there are plans to expand to other countries.