Facts on Cancer
A latest research conduct in UK reveal that forty percent of the cancer can be prohibited with positive changes in lifestyle.
Habits like unhealthy diets, smoking, drinking can causes formation of tumors which later leads to cancer. Likewise other factors like the exposure to sun, infections, occupational dangers and therapy on hormone replacement are also responsible for the formation of tumors.
To tackle the health hazard, the government is considering new measures by reducing the availability of alcohol and increasing its price.
In the UK, the most general cancers are prostrate cancer in males, breast cancer in females, and bowel and lung cancer prevailing in both genders. Prostate cancer is found to be somewhat difficult to prevent.
Tobacco is found to be the chief agent to cause cancer. It is responsible for the occurrence of nearly 60,000 cancers annually. Out of ten lung cancers, nine are caused because of smoking habit .
Likewise failure to eat proper food, vegetables, and fruits also causes cancer, amounting to nearly 20,000 cancers annually which are related to the throat, mouth and esophagus tumors.