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Congress.i. celebrated, 126th Birthday of Indian National Congress

Pravasee Deseeya Cultural Congress (I) (PDCC) Kuwait celebrated the 126 th birth anniversary of Indian Nanational Congress (I) (Parent organization India)
central committee president Jacob Channapetta cut the cake and inaugurated the the birth day function in Kuwait. patron Adv. Thomas Panicker
Joy Karavaloor, Chessil Ramapuram, Abdulla Thrikaripur, Adv. Laji Jacob, JoseKutty Knjappen, Alex Panaveli, Achen Kutty Anchal were spoke on the occasion.
The Indian National congress as a political movement was founded in 1885 December 28. Congress Party one who fought against British rule in India and brought freedom to India. it was a long years fight against the British rule thousands of congressmen paid their life for independent India. currently Indian national congress is the largest and first the political and social movement and organization in India. India is the most largest democracy practiced and succeed country in the world.

Indian national congress party was founded by A.O. Hume along with W.C.Banarjee and subsequently took over by the Mahatma Gandhi, Dadabhai Navoroji, Sardar Patel, Maulana Azaad and after independent of India by Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, Indira Gandhi, Rajeev Gandhi and by Sonia Gandhi who is the president currently while we celebrate the 126th birth day of congress party.(wife of late Rajiv Gandhi) After achieving the goal of independent in India, the congress party focused on the entire development of the liberated nation. The congress party one ruled India till 1977 continue sly under the strong dynamic leadership of Jawaharlal Nehru and his daughter Indira Gandhi. (one who paid her life to the nation for the integrity of the nation)

As a result of the long term rule by a congress party in India could make big success in all the areas of development. currently India is the 2nd power in Asia and will take over this same position in the world shortly. India achieved the tremendous progress in the field of Industry, economics, education,culture, decrees unemployment, uplift of poor's schedule cast and the elimination of the poverty, agriculture revelation and science and technology and atomic energy, and strong defense etc.. are the main gain of the congress party's rule.

The first congress prime minister of India Jawaharlal Nehru one founded India's base as "unity in diversity" which is totally accepted by the people of India.

congress leader and prime minister Jawaharlal Nehru and his successors followed the policy of congress party in relation with minority and majority interest which is secularism and protecting minority and human rights.

The first congress prime minister also founded a base of mixed economy system, therefore subsequently Indian's economics system is still stronger than any other developed countries in the world.

while we celebrating the birth day of congress party, need to emphasize the congress party's contribution and its service to our nation. the strong leadership was made our nation in a healthier nation compared to other nation. we hope congress can do the lot more to India . Congress president and the prime minister Indira Gandhi widely known as iron lady of the world made big revelation in India during her rule, finally she fought for the nation's integrity and paid her life for the same.

Indira Gandhi's son and the subsequent congress president Rajeev Gandhi was visionary man one who took a leadership in the modern revelation in India in the field of science and technology, Industry development and Telecom one who paid his life for the peace in the world.

Currently congress party again ruling in India, the population in India and abroad love congress party because no any other party can make Indians together and strong future policies.

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