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Apple’s deal with Universal Music

A licensing deal by the software major Apple with Universal music Group facilitates the online store of Apple to provide songs from the biggest of the four top record companies
This means as per agreement Apple has acquired the rights to provide recordings from the four main brands.
The American multinational corporation declared that it would reveal its lengthy expected service named icloud at the coming World Developers conference that is going to be held at SanFransicao on June6. However it was not divulge d by Apple whether iCloud will consist any music attributes.
The agreement details are not elaborate. But it seems the iCloud’s music revenues will be divided in the ratio of 58:12:30 i.e., 58 percent of the revenues will go to the labels, 12 percent will go to the publishers and the remaining 30% will go to Apple.

Sources said that at present an Apple digital locker will only store music that is bought at iTunes. However in future there are plans by the company to store songs obtained from other then iTunes.
America’s dominate distributor of music, Apple is becoming a big participant in Cloud computing.This term was coined when the user of the Internet complete computing through servers from third party as an alternative to their PC. Cloud music is going to be the format that is likely to succeed the CD and digital download
Although the other Companies like Google and Amazon are offering their own cloud services, Apple is unique and stands apart. It is going to be the first among the three companies to provide licensed music. This will provide Apple with much flexibility it can offer for customers.

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