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Poison Ivy Treatment Guide
With the rise in childhood obesity and more and more kids spending too much time inside playing video games and watching TV, most parents love when their kids go outside to play. Unfortunately, in addition to the sun and bugs, poison ivy can be a big problem for kids playing outside. Poison ivy can also be a hazard to gardeners, hikers, campers, and anyone else who likes to spend time outdoors. Although some people truly are immune to poison ivy, most people develop a rash after coming into contact with poison ivy or the similar plants, poison sumac and poison oak. If you think you are immune because you have never developed a rash before, keep in mind that it can sometimes take multiple exposures or several years before you finally begin to develop an allergic response to urushiol, the chemical in poison ivy that triggers the rash that most people get. Whether or not you think that your kids are immune to poison ivy, it is a good idea to not take any chances and to teach your kids how to recognize and avoid poison ivy. Unfortunately, the old 'leaves of three, let it be' phrase isn't usually enough to help kids avoid poison ivy. Avoiding Poison Ivy Instead, review some pictures of poison ivy so that they really know what to look for. Since poison oak and poison oak can trigger the same rash, knowing how to recognize and avoid these plants is important too. |
Post # 2
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Treating Poison Ivy Exposures
If you are exposed, according to the FDA, you should quickly (within 10 minutes): • first, cleanse exposed areas with rubbing alcohol. • next, wash the exposed areas with water only (no soap yet, since soap can move the urushiol, which is the oil from the poison ivy that triggers the rash, around your body and actually make the reaction worse). • now, take a shower with soap and warm water. • lastly, put gloves on and wipe everything you had with you, including shoes, tools, and your clothes, with rubbing alcohol and water. Unfortunately, if you wait more than 10 minutes, the urushiol will likely stay on your skin and trigger the poison ivy rash. You may not be able to stop it on your skin, but you might still scrub your nails and wipe off your shoes, etc., so that you don't spread the urushiol to new areas. |
Post # 3
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Preventing Poison Ivy
In addition to getting rid of poison ivy when you find it, you can avoid poison ivy by: • wearing long pants and a shirt with long sleeves, boots and gloves when your kids will be most at risk, especially when playing in wooden areas, around lakes, or going on hikes • apply Ivy-Block to exposed areas Unfortunately, few people recognize their poison ivy exposure or are aware enough to wash off the urushiol within 10 minutes to prevent a reaction. Others don't even recognize their exposure to poison ivy. Unless they are one of the lucky few who are immune to poison ivy, many of these children who are exposed to poison ivy will eventually develop a rash. |
Post # 4
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Poison Ivy Treatments
Typical treatments for poison ivy are going to be directed at helping to control your child's itching, and can include non-steroidal topical medications, topical steroids, oral antihistamines (Benadryl), and/or oral steroids (prednisone) or a steroid shot. Wet dressings, compresses, or soaks with Domeboro solution mixed with water (modified Burow's Solution) or Aveeno oatmeal baths can be especially soothing for itchy rashes. Examples include: • Atarax (hydroxyzine, a prescription oral antihistamine) • Aveeno Anti-Itch Cream with Natural Colloidal Oatmeal • Aveeno 1% Hydrocortizone Anti-Itch Cream (OTC topical steroid) • Band-Aid Anti-Itch Gel • Caladryl Clear Topical Analgesic Skin Lotion • Calamine Lotion • Cortizone 10 (OTC topical steroid) • Cutivate cream 0.05% (prescription topical steroid) • Domeboro Astringent Solution Powder Packets • Gold Bond Maximum Strength Medicated Anti-Itch Cream • Itch-X Anti-Itch Gel with Soothing Aloe Vera • Locoid cream 0.1% (prescription topical steroid) • Triamcinolone acetonide 0.1% (prescription topical steroid) Newer medications that are supposed to target poison ivy symptoms include: • Burts's Bees Poison Ivy Soap • Cortaid Poison Ivy Care Treatment Kit • Ivarest Medicated Cream • IvyStat • Tecnu Extreme Poison Ivy Scrub • Zanfel Wash For Poison Ivy, Oak & Sumac If your child has a history of severe reactions to poison ivy or his rash is quickly spreading, be sure to see your Pediatrician right away for professional help. Keep in mind that many children need prescription strength oral steroids or a steroid shot to avoid severe poison ivy reactions. If your child get a poison ivy rash, or especially if he gets it over and over, it is important to figure out where he is getting exposed to the poison ivy plants. Is it in your back yard, at the playground, or on the way to school? |
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