Post # 1
Physiotherapy - Cardiac Rehabilitation
Cardiac Rehabilitation

Elbow bends: Stand straight and bend your elbows nearer to your shoulders. Then stretch your hands in front and come back to normal position.

• Bent arm raises: Stand with bent elbows nearer to your shoulders. Raise the arms over your head straightening the elbows and then bring your arms down bending your elbows.

• Elbow extensions to the side: Stand with arms to your sides and touch your shoulder bending the elbows and straighten your elbows dropping the arms down.

• Straight arm raises: Stand with feet apart shoulder width keeping arms straight at your sides. Raise your arms with straight elbows towards front and upwards.

• Arm circles: Stand with feet apart shoulder width. Raise arms straight on your sides at shoulder height and move them clock-wise and anti clock-wise with straight elbows.

• Marching in one place: Stand straight and lift one leg bending the knee and then other, like marching and move the hands alternatively.

• Waist bends: Stand straight resting elbows on your hip. Slowly bend your waist to right keeping back legs straight and then to left.

• Waist twists: Stand with feet shoulder width apart and hands on waist. Turn your clock-wise and anti clock-wise.

• Knee touches: Stand straight with feet shoulder width apart. Raise your arms over your head and slightly bend and touch your knees with your hand.

• Knee bends: Stand straight with feet together and hands on hip. Slightly lower your buttocks along with bending your knees keeping back straight.

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