Post # 1
Factors in Suicidal Behaviour
There are four main factors that come into play in suicidal behaviour.

Predisposing factors

The factors that make an individual vulnerable to suicidal behaviour include:

Mental illness
Loss of a loved one early in life
Family history of suicide
Long-term difficulty with peer relationships.
Almost all people who kill themselves have a mental illness, such as major depression, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, or borderline personality disorder. They often abuse drugs or alcohol. Although people who commit suicide are commonly depressed, only a minority of people who are depressed are suicidal.

Previous suicide attempts are common among those who eventually die by suicide.

Precipitating factors

These are the factors that create a crisis. The most common of these factors are losses, such as job loss, the death of a loved one, the end of a relationship, divorce or loss of position in society.

Other factors that may cause the crisis include:

Pressure to succeed
Conflict with the law
Financial difficulties
Rejection by society for some personal trait, such as ethnic origin or sexual orientation.
What these factors have is common is that they are situations over which the individual feels no sense of control. They cause unbearable psychological pain that the individual feels will never end.

Contributing factors

These are the factors that make the individual even more vulnerable to suicidal behaviour. They can include:

Physical illness
Sexual identity issues
An unstable family environment
Risk-taking or self-destructive behaviour
The suicide of a friend
Substance abuse.
Protective factors

These factors help to decrease the risk of suicide. They include:

A resilient personality
Tolerance for frustration
Self control
Good social supports
A sense of humour
At least one good relationship.
Post # 2
RE: Factors in Suicidal Behaviour
really very nice topic...

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