Post # 1
Asthmatic people to avoid this stuff

- smoke and stay out of smoke filled rooms - it leads to a worsening of asthma, especially in children. Do not use woodstoves or fireplaces - they can cause significant problems for people with asthma. But, if you must, be sure the wood stove or chimney are air tight, the room is well ventilated and the fireplace draws well.

- going to bed with a full stomach. Asthma can be caused by stomach reflux. A condition in which acid backs up from your stomach into your esophagus. If going to bed with a full stomach is unavoidable, take an antacid before bedtime and prop your bed up to elevate your pillow. This will prevent your stomach contents from leaking out and dripping in your airways.

- artic air. Stay indoors when it is cold outside. If this is not possible; keep your mouth and nose covered with a scarf. This allows you to breath warm humid air.

- using the air conditioner set to bringing in the outside air. Set your air conditioner to re-circulate the inside air. This will prevent the outside air from bringing in the pollinated air that is bad for asthma.

- foods that trigger asthma. The most common foods include eggs, milk, nuts and seafood. Even the aroma of these foods may bring on asthma in some people.

- food additives - especially metabisulfite and monosodium glutamate, they can trigger asthma. Metabisulfite is found in beer, wine, shrimp and dried fruits. Check food labels for monosodium glutamate.

- aspirin. Taking aspirin may have life threatening consequences for asthmatics. The problem does not happen when using acetaminophen.

Natural remedies:

1. Consume more antioxidants. By consuming more antioxidants many asthmatics have noticed a reduction in symptoms.

2. Chili peppers. Those who regularly consume chili peppers, or hot sauces may have less frequent and less severe asthma attacks. Capsaicin, the chemical that makes peppers hot, may stimulate the nerve endings to help keep the airways open.

3. Caffeinated coffee. Doctors have advised people to drink a cup of strong caffeinated coffee at the on set of an asthma attack when their medications are not available. The chemical methylxanthine found in caffein relaxes airway muscles.

4. Black tea. Try black tea for relief from tightening of the chest. It contains chemicals which are also used in many medical asthma remedies. Three or four cups of black tea can help to open the airways and ease breathing.

5. Ginkgo tea. Used regularly it has shown to help asthmatics to cut down on prescribed medication. It relaxes the lungs and helps keep the breathing passage ways clear.

Herbal remedies for asthma include alfalfa, black cohosh, cinnamon, chamomile, coltsfoot, comfrey, ginkgo biloba, green tea, licorice, mint, mullein, nettle, rosemary and thyme.
Post # 2
RE: Asthmatic people to avoid this stuff
Hi Lizzy
this is asif from Salmiya Kuwait,thanks for the guidance for asthama, well are you a doctor how do you know all this
regards asif

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